Grief does not change you, Hazel. It reveals you.
Why is it that we rejoice at a birth and grieve at a funeral? It is because we are not the person involved.
The world is indeed full of peril and in it there are many dark places. But still there is much that is fair. And though in all lands, love is now mingled with grief, it still grows, perhaps, the greater.
I know that grief, like regret, settles into our DNA and remains forever a part of us.
For pleasures past I do not grieve, nor perils gathering near; my greatest grief is that I leave no thing that claims a tear.
Between grief and nothing I will take grief.[Also known as:]Given the choice between the experience of pain and nothing, I would choose pain.
Youth offers the promise of happiness, but life offers the realities of grief.
Toil is man’s allotment; toil of brain, or toil of hands, or a grief that’s more than either, the grief and sin of idleness.
The sorry truth is you can walk your feet to blisters, walk till kingdom-come, and you never will outpace your grief.
Tears are the silent language of grief.[Les larmes sont le langage muet de la douleur.]
Receding from a grief, it seems necessary to retrace the same steps that brought us there.
Only people capable of loving deeply can experience profound grief; but the very necessity they feel to love serves as an antidote to grief and heals them.[Только люди, способные сильно любить, могут испытывать и сильные огорчения; но та же потребность любить служит для них противодействием горести и исцеляет их.]