If you’re in trouble or hurt or need – go to poor people. They’re the only ones that’ll help – the only ones.
There may be fairies, there may be elves, but God helps those who help themselves.
There is something wrong about the man who wants help. There is somewhere a defect, a want, in brief, a need, a crying need, somewhere about that man.
You’re not alone, and you’re not the one in charge. Ask for help when you need it, and give help when you can. I think that is how we serve God – and each other and ourselves – in times as dark as these.
Unless we can help the world where we are, we could not help it if we were somewhere else.
To give aid to every poor man is far beyond the power and the advantage of any private person. For the riches of any private person are wholly inadequate to meet such a call.
There’s not an expiration date on needing help, or needing people. You don’t get to a certain age and it stops.[Harold says to Jude]
The helpless can’t help the helpless.
In the absence of God he had found Man. Man killing man, man helping man, both of them anonymous: the scourge and the blessing.
In real life, help is given out of friendship, or it is not valued; it is received from the hand of friendship, or it is resented.
I help those who can help themselves.
Heaven’s help is better than early rising.[translation by John Willis Clark]He whom God helps does better than he who gets up early.[translation by John Ormsby][Más vale al que Dios ayuda que al que mucho madruga.]