There is nothing so dangerous for anyone who has something to hide as conversation!
You can keep as quiet as you like, but one of these days somebody is going to find you.[repeated often in the rest of the book]
Meaning and reality were not hidden somewhere behind things, they were in them, in all of them.
Whoever wishes to keep a secret must hide the fact that he possesses one.
Who hides more than he gives. Who lies more that he tells the truth.
When you’re trying to hide something, always do it out in the open. Then no one will believe you’re doing anything wrong.
The best way of hiding a thing is by sending it away by the post.
If you can’t hide what you are going to do, do it so everybody thinks you are a fool.
Don’t wait to be hunted to hide, that was always my motto.[Faire la part du feu avant la conflagration, cela m’a toujours semblé raisonnable.]