We’re all human, aren’t we? Every human life is worth the same, and worth saving.
The temperament reflects everything like a mirror![Also known as:]Human nature is a mirror, sir, the clearest mirror![Зеркало натура, зеркало-с, самое прозрачное-с!]
The only good human being is a dead one.
What wisdom is there for you save humanity?[Quelle sagesse y a-t-il pour vous hors de l’humanité?]
This inhuman place makes human monsters.[repeated often in the rest of the book]
The human animal is a beast that dies but the fact that he’s dying don’t give him pity for others, no sir.
Philosophical involvement blinded me to authentic human fact.
In an infinite universe, there were too many things that escaped human understanding.
Human nature is a vast, dark forest.
Human nature is a vast impenetrable forest which no one can know in its entirety. Not even a mother knows her child’s deepest secrets.
Frightful condition of the human race! there is no one of its joys that does not come from some species of ignorance.[Affreuse condition de l’homme! il n’y a pas un de ses bonheurs qui ne vienne d’une ignorance quelconque.]
What we humans think we know is nothing compared to what we need to believe to numb the fear and pain.