To have money is to have time.[Avoir de l’argent, c’est avoir du temps.]
Money and goods are certainly the best of references.
If you lend money and never see the person again, that’s money well spent.
We use up our lives making money, when we should be using our money to gain time.[Nous usons notre vie à gagner de l’argent, quand il faudrait, par l’argent, gagner son temps.]
The difference between new money and old money. Old money’s motto was, If you have it, hide it. New money’s motto was, If you have it, flaunt it.
Spend your money for the things that money can buy, not worry about profit or loss. Save your energy for the things that money can’t buy.
Oh! money! All the troubles in the world can be put down to money – or the lack of it.
Life is short and money is scarce.[Das Leben ist kurz und das Geld ist knapp.]
If money go before, all ways do lie open.
Business, you know, may bring money, but friendship hardly ever does.
A million dollars sounds like a lot, I know. Especially when you’re young. But you can’t let money erode your principles or you’ll wind up with nothing.
A man does not “by nature” wish to earn more and more money.[Der Mensch will »von Natur« nicht Geld und mehr Geld verdienen.]