When prudence is only fear in disguise, its scruples cannot be conquered.
What is prudence in the conduct of every private family, can scarce be folly in that of a great kingdom.
The better part of wisdom is a sublime prudence, a pure and patient truth that will receive nothing it is not sure it can permanently lay to heart.
The awful daring of a moment’s surrender which an age of prudence can never retract by this, and this only, we have existed.
So soon as prudence has begun to grow up in the brain, like a dismal fungus, it finds its first expression in a paralysis of generous acts.
Prudence is for those who intend to live long lives.
Prudence is a rich ugly old maid courted by Incapacity.
Prudence consists in being able to know the nature of the difficulties, and taking the least harmful as good.[La prudenza consiste in saper cognoscere la qualità degli inconvenienti, e prendere il manco tristo per buono.]