Dumbledore says people find it far easier to forgive others for being wrong than being right.
Right or wrong, it’s very pleasant to break something from time to time.[Хорошо ли, дурно ли, но разломать иногда что‑нибудь тоже очень приятно.]
To go wrong in one’s own way is better than to go right in someone else’s.[Соврать по-своему – ведь это почти лучше, чем правда по одному по-чужому.]
Right and wrong, however, are for – well, not unhappy people, maybe, but scarred people; scared people.
I doubt not, but from self-evident propositions, by necessary consequences, as incontestable as those in mathematics, the measures of right and wrong might be made out.
You did something because it had always been done, and the explanation was “but we’ve always done it this way.” A million dead people can’t have been wrong, can they?
Whatever CAN go wrong WILL go wrong.
What’s the use you learning to do right when it’s troublesome to do right and ain’t no trouble to do wrong, and the wages is just the same?
To do a great right, do a little wrong.
Right and wrong are the rules we make up ourselves so that we can play in the game with other people. Without rules, there can’t be a game. But never forget—the rules are artificial.
Nothing in the world is ever completely wrong. Even a stopped clock is right twice a day.[Não existe nada completamente errado no mundo. Mesmo um relógio parado consegue estar certo duas vezes por dia.]
My specialty is being right when other people are wrong.