Killing Two-Face won’t take the pain away. It’ll make it worse.[to Dick Grayson]
It’s always risky introducing a tamed animal into the wild.
I’m both Bruce Wayne and Batman. Not because I have to be. Now, because I choose to be.
I’ll get drive-through.[Alfred Pennyworth: Can I persuade you to take a sandwich with you, sir?]
I see without seeing. To me, darkness is as clear as daylight. What am I?[to Riddler]
I guess a girl has to grow up sometime.
I don’t blend in at a family picnic.
I could write a hell of a paper on a grown man who dresses like a flying rodent.[to Batman]
Emotions are always the enemy of true justice.
Broken wings mend in time. One day Robin will fly again. I promise.[to Dick Grayson]
A girl can’t live by psychoses alone.[to Batman]