How rapey of you.[Pryce Cheng: I never take no for an answer.]
Hope’s going overboard to make her boyfriend happy. She’s either an idiot in love, or she’s being conned. Which amount to pretty much the same thing.
Guess it’s just harder to believe someone would call himself “Kilgrave.” I mean, why not just “Snuffcarcass”?
Googling my address does not make you a detective. Good detectives use evidence.
Generating change in the world, being effective, it’s a powerful drug.
First step in heroism, don’t be a prick.
Finding the truth beneath the bulls***… that’s why I got into this line of work in the first place. I need to know. But there are no easy answers. Unless there are.
Family s*** has a way of catching up with me.
Everyone needs too goddamn much from each other.
Everyone has secrets. If not their own, then someone else’s.
Everybody’s got a story. A beginning. A middle. An end. Of course, there’s the story people tell you. And then there’s the truth.
Don’t try to be a hero. It’s a s***ty job.