The fact that everything didn’t go precisely to plan was precisely the plan.
Only a person who wanted to find the Stone, find it, but not use it, would be able to get it. That is one of my more brilliant ideas. And between you and me, that is saying something.[to Harry]
Mysterious thing, time. Powerful, and when meddled with, dangerous.
It does not do to dwell on dreams, and forget to live.[to Harry]
If you’d ever had the pleasure to teach him, you’d know Newt is not a great follower of orders.[to Travers]
If you listen carefully enough, the past whispers to you.
Do not pity the dead, Harry. Pity the living. And above all, all those who live without love.
Curiosity is not a sin, but you should exercise caution.[to Harry]
Things are not quite what they appear. No matter what you’ve been told.[to Credence]
Powerful magic. It can’t be undone.
Of course it’s happening inside your head, Harry. Why should that mean that it’s not real?[Harry Potter: Is this all real? Or is it just happening inside my head?]
Magic, especially dark magic… leaves traces.