We could take this universe apart and put it back together again.[to Marisa]
You don’t come from nothing, Lyra. You’re the product of something extraordinary.
Lie about whatever you want. Lie about the Oblation Board. The Magisterium. Lie about the girl. But do not lie about your ambition, your work, or who you truly are.[to Marisa]
It’s the Authority’s strength that lies in numbers. Sheer wealth of people willing to defend his mysticism and dogma. We just need enough to provoke him.[to Ogunwe]
Do you know the only thing I’ve ever been certain of? That I was born to change the worlds. And now it seems that that destiny belongs to someone else. I’ve given the girl nothing. But at the very least, I can buy her time.[to Marisa, about Lyra]
All good things pass away.