To achieve truly great things, one must make truly great sacrifices.
They’re not gonna put you in jail. They might put me in jail for walking across the street, but you’re a famous white boy. Too many people are making too much money off of you to put you in jail.[to Elvis]
Them comic book heroes all have them super powers. His was music.[about Elvis]
It don’t matter if you do ten stupid things, as long as you do one smart one.
I’m so tired of playing Elvis Presley. Too many people rely on me.
I’m gonna be forty soon. Forty. And nobody’s gonna remember me.[to Priscilla]
I love you. And your daughter loves you. We don’t care about the money or anything else. We just want you to be happy. You’re only really happy when you sing the music you love.[to Elvis]
Are you born with destiny? Or does it just come knocking at your door?