When the gods imprison me, tell Marc to free me.[to Steven]
We protect the vulnerable and deliver Khonshu’s justice to those who hurt them.[to Steven]
I can’t tell the difference between my waking life and dreams.
Why do all men like you feel it necessary to be just so condescending?[to Arthur]
I don’t steal. They’ve already been stolen. That’s what people forget. I take them off the black market and return them to their rightful owners. I might keep a few to pay the bills.
We want what we never had.
To signal for an audience with the gods is to risk their wrath.
To be my hands, my eyes, my vengeance. To be my final word against the evildoers. To bind your very being to me and eradicate only the worst, those who deserve it. Do you want death or do you want life?[to Marc]
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Sometimes we need the cold light of death before we can see reality.
If you’re Gus, I’m the bloody Queen of Sheba.
If I am gonna have a girlfriend, at some point, obviously can’t have ankle restraints on my bed, can I? That’s like the definition of a red flag.
I don’t need protection. What I need is honesty.