Too much intensity can be a bad thing.
The fact that you’re friends doesn’t necessarily equate to great chemistry.
Laughing can serve you in dark moments and even help you crawl your way back out.
If you have a dishonest moment, you’re going to lose the audience. So I had to not only light myself in the scenes.
I have bullshit moments every once in a while – like every actor does.
Hollywood is like a stock market – you’re always up and down and all around. With age, you start to invest less in the outcome of that.
For the most part Hollywood is a world of imagination.
Any kind of crisis can be good. It wakes you up.
Any great director is also someone who is incredibly intelligent about whom they hire around them.
A producer is someone who actually calls the shots. An executive producer is just a guy that eats more food at craft service.
A live action movie is work and an animated movie is you showing up in your pajamas once every three months, or in my case, just a splash of baby powder. It’s not any kind of heavy lifting.