An ethic of ultimate ends and an ethic of responsibility are not absolute contrasts but rather supplements, which only in unison constitute a genuine man - a man who can have the 'calling for politics.' - Max Weber (Politics as A Vocation Quotes)

An ethic of ultimate ends and an ethic of responsibility are not absolute contrasts but rather supplements, which only in unison constitute a genuine man – a man who can have the ‘calling for politics.’[Gesinnungsethik und Verantwortungsethik nicht absolute Gegensätze, sondern Ergänzungen, die zusammen erst den echten Menschen ausmachen, den, der den “Beruf zur Politik” haben kann.]

Source:From Max Weber: Essays in Sociology (Oxford University Press, ed. 1946), Part I. Science and Politcs, Chapter IV. Politics as A Vocation (1919), Page 127
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