We’re women, we’re not white, and we’re surgeons. Unicorns consider us a fabled species. We don’t get the luxury of public insecurity.[to Claire]
Hearts are amazing things. I’ve held one in my hands many times. You’d never know it by looking at them, but somehow they have all the room we need.
Until they find a way to put uteruses in men, biology will always force us to make sacrifices our male colleagues don’t.
Women in power are worse than men.
When you meet a patient, you don’t just see muscles, bones, and organs. You see a human being with all of their strengths and flaws. And you should never lose that, even if it does make the job harder.[to Claire]
We don’t need to be insecure, because every step of the way, we’ve had to be twice as good as everybody else.[to Claire]
We don’t work alone, Marcus. Every time we have a good outcome, it’s because everyone in the room did something right.
People risk things to make their dreams come true.
One admirable decision doesn’t wipe away a lifetime of bad ones.
Life is uncomfortable. It hits you with tough situations and you muscle through them.[to Shaun]
Sometimes big decisions are just a bunch of small ones you don’t even realize you made.
Objectivity is a myth.