It is disappointing when the mole is the one who looks most like a rodent.
Heroes only get the girl in Hollywood.[to Eve]
Emotions or feelings as people apparently like to call them nowadays, are at best an inconvenience and at worst a total scourge on one’s freedoms. Guilt and shame especially.
Life is just a series of trade-offs. For all of us.[to Kenny]
You can’t win the game unless the game is on, can you?[to Pam]
One of the great unspoken truths of life is that people behave exactly as you expect them to.[to Eve]
Nadia has been murdered in prison. The good news is the buffet is open.
Isn’t it refreshing? To eat in silence? So many people are just bags of gas, expelling air when they’ve nothing of any great worth to say.[to Villanelle]
Divorces are easy. It’s marriages that are impossibly hard.
Why waste your time being good when you could just be good at what you’re good at?[to Villanelle]
They all think we’re having affairs before they think we’re secret agents.[to Eve]
Killing is primal. It’s what nature intended. And who are we to quibble with nature?[to Villanelle]