Half of good police work is the ability to sit on one’s ass when it’s called for.
Every evil bastard in the world was just a kid once.
Doesn’t anyone die in Gotham anymore?
You want to be a hero. And Gotham doesn’t need heroes. It needs people who will do what is necessary.[to Jim]
You tell yourself, “I’ll just do this one bad thing. All the good things I’ll do later will make up for it.” But they don’t.
Sometimes in war you got to do a bad thing to do good.
Somebody takes a cop’s gun, you shoot him. That’s basic.
Must have been weird seeing your dead brother show up dressed like a ninja from Medieval Times.
Listen, smartass, you want to kill a corrupt financier, be my guest. You kill a cop, it’s a job safety issue.
Just when you think Gotham’s shown her last jewel, she reveals herself like a flower.
Jim, you seem like a nice guy, but this is not a city or a job for nice guys.
It’s not every day that you get to save the man who’s marrying the woman you love.[to James]