Guys like us don’t get the girl.
You are not the guy. You’re not capable of being the guy. I had a guy, but now I don’t. You are not the guy.[to Jesse]
The bad guys need to get lucky every time. The good guys just need to get lucky once.
Sometimes good guys gotta do bad things to make the bad guys pay.
Bad guys don’t play by the rules. That’s what makes them bad.
You’re the best guy I ever knew. You may not think you’re a hero, but you’re a hero to me.[to Snart]
The problem with trying to be the bad guy is there’s always someone worse.
The higher up you go, the harder it gets to tell the good guys from the bad.
Rick, you can’t just be the good guy and expect to live. Okay? Not anymore.
It’s not very smart to pi** off a guy who thinks about killing people for a living.
You’re not a bad guy, you’re just a bad cop.
If you want a lad to fight, give him something to fight for.