You have no idea how powerful the truth can be.
To fight the unthinkable, you have to be willing to do the unthinkable.
Only the student has hope of defeating the master.
Never doubt my love for you. You’ve always seen the best in me because you’ve always been the best of me.[to Laurel]
Being happy doesn’t mean you don’t have issues. It just means that you’re working on them.
Sometimes the greatest act of love is no action at all.
Secrets have weight. The more you keep, the harder it is to keep moving.
You have failed this city!
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There’s two types of every legacy, two versions of what we leave behind. There’s the good and then the bad.
Love is the most powerful emotion, and that makes it the most dangerous.
You’re going to be really upset when you meet my partner.
We have to live with the fear and the uncertainty that everything can be taken from us in an instant. Because that’s the price we pay for choosing the people that we love.[to William]