Stories, like the people who tell them, aren’t always what they seem.
Friend, I’ve learned, takes on a different meaning, depending on who you ask.
Sometimes the best way to save someone is to be yourself.
You know the thing I love about bad guys? Is that despite ourselves we are all so tragically predictable.
What’s the difference between being hopeful and being crazy?
Tommy wants Batman. The city needs Batman. And I’m not Batman. But maybe I’m better. Because I’m here.
Some see fear, others hope. I see the freedom to be myself, to play by my own rules.
Lies don’t make anyone comfortable, especially the one telling them.
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I didn’t know who to bring to the dance, so I brought C-4.
Grow into the person you needed as a kid.
When your life unfolds into a nightmare, you pray your dreams will take you elsewhere.
We all wear a mask of some kind: a cowl, a husband, wife, denial, anger. We all need our shield to protect us from the world.