You have enough money, you can get away with anything.
We are defined by millions of variables, way beyond our own choosing.
There is no greater good. There’s only good, no matter how small the act.
Others have always made choices for us.
All children are perfect only if we can teach them well.
You think you want to know the truth, but you don’t. It’s worse than anything you could even imagine.
You said yourself that Pilcher watches over us. So if he didn’t do this, where is he? How come we weren’t warned? David did this. You’ve said this town is an ark. One crack, and we all drown. He is drowning us.
You know what the difference is between you and me? I believe what I know in my heart. You believe what they tell you.
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You got to get used to people looking at you as a crackpot. False prophet. It can weigh you down. Weigh anyone down. But if you believe in something. If you truly believe, then you’ll fight for it.
You don’t think I can do your job? That’s fine. But we both know you can’t do mine.
When you kill somebody in this town, they give you his job.
When you kill a snake, you got to cut off its head.