You have enough money, you can get away with anything.
We are defined by millions of variables, way beyond our own choosing.
Others have always made choices for us.
You got to get used to people looking at you as a crackpot. False prophet. It can weigh you down. Weigh anyone down. But if you believe in something. If you truly believe, then you’ll fight for it.
When humans are united by a cause, they can achieve almost anything.
What neither of you ever understood is that this town is not about any one individual. It’s not about freedom. It’s about something much greater than that. It’s about the preservation of mankind.
We were changing the world. And as a result we ourselves were beginning to change.
The problem isn’t real unless it affects us directly.
besThe best things in this world require the biggest sacrifice.
People are fragile. They need time to adapt. They accept change gradually.
Kill me. You can’t kill my ideas.
I believe the flood is coming, Rebecca. It will make all things new. We need an ark. I need you to design it.