There’s no one evil greater than another, not in this town.[to Evelyn]
The schools here are to teach you to get the f*** out. The houses are for people who can’t.[Iris: There’s schools here. And there’s houses here…]
The hardest thing to do is forget. Forget the scars life gives you, forget the scars you gave others.
Number one, I’m not your brother. Two, don’t act like I f***ing work for you. If you want something from me, you f***ing ask. And then you f***ing pay for it like everybody else.[to Duke]
Minds don’t forget so easy. When the horror that we witness and endure takes root, only madness and dementia can remove it.
In the world, five percent of people are truly good. Five percent are evil. The rest of us, we wrestle between the two. Who we are, what we are, what we’re willing to do.
I run with the biggest gang in the city, the ones with the f***ing badges.[to Carlos]
I negotiate for you. I don’t negotiate with you.[to Duchard]
Everyone’s done a deal with the f***ing devil and nobody wants to f***ing keep it. That’s not how the devil works.[to Ed]
Don’t tell me the story that you want to be true. Just tell me the f***ing truth.[to Iris]
A conviction puts the whole family in prison. Whether you’re inside dreaming about your people on the outside, or outside praying for your people in, nobody escapes.