Now, pay attention, 007. I’ve always tried to teach you two things. First, never let them see you bleed.[James Bond: And the second?]Always have an escape plan.
You must be joking. 007 on an island populated exclusively by women? We won’t see him till dawn.[Vijay: Is he still there?]
Need I remind you, 007, that you have a licence to kill, not to break the traffic laws.
May I remind you that I answer directly to M. I also have a mortgage. And two cats to feed.[to James]
We must be related.[James Bond: Pam, this is Q, my uncle. Uncle, this is Miss Kennedy, my cousin.]
That’s putting it mildly, 007.[James Bond: Forgive me, Father, for I have sinned.]
Oh, most appropriate. A wolf whistle.[James Bond: What’s my code?]
It’s called the future, so get used to it.
I think he’s attempting re-entry, sir.[Frederick Gray: My God, what’s Bond doing?]
I never joke about my work, 007.[James Bond: Ejector seat? You’re joking.]
I can do more damage on my laptop sitting in my pajamas before my first cup of Earl Grey than you can do in a year in the field.[to James]
Frequently.[James Bond: Q, have I ever let you down?]