This can happen to men and women. They burn the heart out of themselves by living too greedily.
It’s all right. It’s quite all right, really. She’s having a rest. We’ll be going on soon. There’s no hurry, you see? We have all the time in the world.[last lines]
You perverse British, how you love your exercise.[to James]
You must give me the name of your oculist.[Marc-Ange Draco: She likes you, I can see it.]
This never happened to the other fellow.
There’s always something formal about the point of a pistol.[Marc-Ange Draco: My apologies for the way you were brought here today. Please sit down. I was not sure you would accept a formal invitation.]
The methods of the great pioneers have often puzzled conventional minds.
My problem is that you never do anything with me.[James Bond: Moneypenny, what would I do without you?]
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Life’s too short for “someday.”
I was always taught that mistakes should be remedied. Especially between friends. Or lovers.[to Tracy]
I have a bachelor’s taste for freedom.
He’s branched off![after Blofeld hits a tree]