If you wanna kill me, you’re gonna have to do better than a wrench.
I’m not the good guy anymore.
I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world.
I guess I’m losing hope that you can hear me, but there’s always that chance isn’t there? That slim chance. It’s all about slim chances now.[Rick speaks into the walkie-talkie for in case Morgan can still hear him]
Damn you for making me do this, Shane. This was you, not me! You did this to us! This was you, not me, not me! Not me![last words spoken to Shane as he stabs him in the chest]
Confrontation’s never been something we’ve had trouble with.
You’re a hero with a s*** haircut.[to Jadis]
You don’t get to choose for the world! You don’t get to choose for me.[to Okafor]
You can do it right in front of me. You can take my hands. I told you already, I’m gonna kill you. All of you. Maybe not today, maybe not tomorrow, but nothing is gonna change that. Nothing. You’re all already dead.[to Negan]
We have to come for them, before they come for us.
This isn’t about what we believe anymore. It’s about them.[to Hershel]
The world is so much bigger than we knew, so much better and so much worse.[to Michonne]