I’m not a criminal, you know? I’m just… insane.
Sometimes the only sane answer to an insane world is insanity.
Was insane. I have a certificate.
The difference between insanity and belief lies only in the number of believers.
Insane isn’t really black or white, is it? We’re all pathological in our own way.
I’m not insane. It just got really easy, is the problem. That’s why it kept happening.
I tell them I’m sane, they think I’m crazy, and if I say, “You know what? You’re right, I am crazy,” then they up my dosage.
You don’t get to create danger, and then protect us from that danger. That’s not heroic. That’s insane.
I know this sounds insane, but this is an insane world.
You can be insane and right at the same time.
Poverty, social polarization, environmental issues, nobody can solve these problems because their common sense always gets in the way. It takes insanity to make any real change in the world. Our role in society is a shackle that we should just break free from.