Who knows what the average man gets up to, left to his own devices. And any fella who uses a prostitute doesn’t go round bragging about it. Doesn’t go home to the wife saying, “Guess where I’ve just been?” Doesn’t tell his workmates. Doesn’t tell his friends.
What you find when you have time away is perspective.[to Jim]
She were a mother of four kids. Prostitute don’t come into it.[to Jim, about Wilma]
She might’ve been a prostitute, she might not. Might’ve liked a drink, might not. But nobody, whoever they are, deserves to die like Wilma died last night. It starts now. 4pm October 30th, and it don’t end until one of us catches the bastard.
If you don’t solve a murder in the first couple of days, it’s an uphill struggle after that.
If I’m going to catch that man, I need more clues. And the only way to get more clues is for the bastard to do it again.
If he can see us, he should be panicking. Because he’s looking at the two men who are gonna catch him.[to Dick]
I give you my word that I will catch this animal. Because that’s what he is.[to Mr MacDonald]
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