I can be broken without being held. Given and then taken away. Some people use me to deceive, but when delivered, I am the greatest gift of all. What am I?[A promise.]
It’s not wise to make promises you can’t keep, Flash. Look around. This is the last place you’ll ever see.
I always keep my promises.
The only person that can keep a promise so big is God, and I haven’t seen him pick up a scalpel lately.
When enough people make false promises, words stop meaning anything. Then there are no more answers, only better and better lies.
You don’t make promises you can’t keep.
The promises you have made will stand. Blood feuds last a lifetime. What you do, arseling, is you keep living each day until the last.
The nature of promises, Linda, is that they remain immune to changing circumstances.
Nobody’s safe anymore. Can’t promise people that anyhow.
No writer worth his salt can resist a good story, just as no politician can resist making promises he can’t keep.
Broken promises got consequences.[to Helen]