That’s why therapists are important. Without them, we are very unreliable narrators of our own stories.
It’s my bad attitude that keeps me young.
Trauma is a topographical map written on the child, and it takes a lifetime to read.
Look, I got bigger fish to fry, okay? I got to figure out how to get down the stairs.
You’re supposed to ask people about their kids. Okay? It’s polite. It gives everybody a moment to pretend there’s gonna be a future.
With the amount of guilt, I’m surprised you’re not a Jew.[to Alan]
Why don’t we sit crooked and then talk straight?
What do time and morality have in common? Relativity. They’re both relative to your experience.
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We’ve always needed boundaries to understand where we end and others begin.
We Vulvokovs exist in the sweet spot where paranoia meets hyperinflation.
We can’t escape being the product of things we can’t change.
We always think that closure is something we can find out there in the world, as if we can find it in another person, or a confession, or an apology. See, in the end, nothing can absolve us but ourselves.