In an investigation, details matter.[to Finlay]
When you’re investigating two cases, but you only think you’re investigating one, nothing is going to make any sense. Instead, it becomes a lateral thinking puzzle. You have to recognise that something is missing, and look for what that is in the variables.
When you start an investigation, Robin, it’s like looking into an aquarium for the first time. Walk around, check how many fish there are, see what happens when you tap the glass.
Tampering with a criminal case is a serious crime.[Selena Soto]So is obstruction of justice.[Adam Karadec]I wasn’t tampering. I saw a problem and I tried to fix it.[Morgan Gillory]You were trying to help us?[Adam Karadec]No. I don’t care about you. I wanted to be able to sleep.[Morgan Gillory]
She might’ve been a prostitute, she might not. Might’ve liked a drink, might not. But nobody, whoever they are, deserves to die like Wilma died last night. It starts now. 4pm October 30th, and it don’t end until one of us catches the bastard.
Murder investigation, three pillars. Means, motive and opportunity.
If intelligence is the CIA’s game, investigation is ours.
Don’t kill me, and I’ll tell you where I was gonna meet Mahmoud.[Shane Langston]You assume that’s the information I need, Langston. But in an investigation, assumptions kill.[Jack Reacher]