This is a moral test of oneself. Whether or not you can maintain loyalty. Because being loyal is very important.
Don’t f*** with another man’s vehicle. It’s just against the rules.
You know what the funniest thing about Europe is? It’s the little differences. I mean they got the same s*** over there that they got here, but it’s just, it’s just there, it’s a little different.
Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’m gonna go home and have a heart attack.
I got a threshold, Jules, I got a threshold for the abuse that I will take. Right now, I’m a f*****’ race car, and you got me in the red. And I’m just sayin’, I’m just sayin’ that is f*****’ dangerous to have a race car in the f*****’ red. That’s all. I could blow.
Did you ever hear the philosophy that once a man admits he is wrong, that he is immediately forgiven for all wrongdoings?
So, you’re gonna go out there and you’re gonna say, “Good night. I’ve had a very lovely evening.” Walk out the door, get in the car, go home, jerk off, and that’s all you gonna do.
Play with matches, you get burned.