I wished for a fairy-tale life, and it’s all gone terribly wrong. Or terribly right.
I know that change can be scary, but it can also be exciting.
Who knew that being a villain could feel so… liberating?
Trust me, if I learned anything from meeting a princess on a billboard, is that sometimes you just have to take a leap.[to Giselle]
There can only ever be one villain. Not counting minions or pets. Or villains that you don’t know are villains until it’s too late.
Stepmothers are many things. But one of the things we are not is powerful. That’s why we have to go through all of these ridiculous manipulations. We have no power of our own.
Only the person who wields the magic ever really remembers it clearly. To everyone else, it’s sort of like a dream.[to Morgan]
Not if we can help it.[Morgan: Does anyone in Andalasia ever just say stuff?]
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If this world is not to your liking, then you must change it.
I’m not vain. I just look good in everything.
I think that every town should have a queen.
I never sing the right song anymore, and even when I make cupcakes, everything goes wrong. I used to be good at things.