Think of the one place you’ve always wanted to see. Now find it in your mind’s eye, then feel it in your heart.
You are the wildest, most gorgeous thing I’ve ever seen. Nobody deserves you…[to his reflection]
True love really does win the day!
I have found that most troubles seem less troubling after a bracing cup of tea.
Can anybody be happy if they aren’t free?
What if she is the one? The one who’ll break the spell?[about Belle]
People say a lot of things in anger. It is our choice whether or not to listen.
I am not a beast.[to Gaston]
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A broken clock is right two times a day, mon ami, but this is not one of those times. Stand up straight. It’s time to sparkle!
You can’t judge people by who their father is, now can you?[to the Beast]
It’s the ones who play hard to get that are always the sweetest prey.
Well, of course he can talk! It’s all he ever does.[to Belle about Lumière]