God doesn’t ask if we accept this life. There is no choice. Life is forced upon you. The only choice is how you live it. Or not. That’s a choice as well.
Your story may not have such a happy beginning, but that doesn’t make you who you are. It is the rest of your story. Who you choose to be.[to Po]
We don’t get to choose our time.
You gotta let go of that stuff from the past, ’cause it just doesn’t matter. The only thing that matters is what you choose to be now.
The hardest choices require the strongest wills.
The choice is an illusion. You already know what you have to do.[to Morpheus]
It’s the choices that make us who we are, and we can always choose to do what’s right.
Gods don’t have to choose. We take.
Choice matters over need.
We are who we choose to be.
You always have a choice. You just happen to make the wrong f*****g one.
What chance do we have? The question is ‘What choice?’ Run? Hide? Plead for mercy? Scatter your forces? You give way to an enemy this evil with this much power and you condemn the galaxy to an eternity of submission.