I don’t consider myself a particularly ethical person, but I am fair.
Never confuse s*** with cioccolato. They may look the same, but the taste? Very different.
You’re an unnecessary detail.[to Maurizio]
We need more women in this family.
True talent is often unaware of its own brilliance. It must be cherished and protected. Whereas hacks, they run around, shouting their delicious ideas, begging to be recognized. Blind to their own mediocrity.[to Paolo]
Father, Son, and House of Gucci.
Don’t let these forces around you dictate who you are. You’re strong. You’re magnificent.[to Patrizia]
Don’t focus on the process, focus on the result.[to Maurizio]
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You didn’t. You married a Gucci.[Patrizia Reggiani: I had no idea I married a monster?]
This is us. This is not a girl’s game.[to Patrizia]
That’s my number. I’m very busy, but I will make time for you.[to Maurizio]
Quality is remembered long after price is forgotten.