Hey, Jackie. You wanna know what I regret most from being on the Murray Franklin Show?[Arthur Fleck]What’s that?[Jackie Sullivan]That I didn’t shoot first, and let him ask me questions later.[Arthur Fleck]
From Murray Franklin, to those goddamn fat, stupid guards at Arkham. They think that they can treat me like trash. But I will no longer allow you, or you, or you, or any of you to keep me down. I am free!
Everybody lies a little.
Do you really care? You don’t. You’re just like Murray. You’re just like everyone. You want sensationalism. You don’t care about, you just wanna talk about my mistakes. You wanna talk about the things that I did in the past. Not about who I am now. Not how I’m different now.[to Paddy]
Can’t you see how sick he is? How much help he needs?[Maryanne Stewart]He’s not sick. He’s perfect.[Harleen ‘Lee’ Quinzel]