If you’re lucky enough to have one person in this life to care about, then that’s world enough for me.
You think you’re the first to eject me? I have been turned out of some of the best clubs in Europe!
Tell Lily she would’ve been world enough for me.[to MacGregor]
Know this about the jungle: everything that you see wants to kill you. And can.
It’s only a scam if you fall for it.
If I wanted to go to a primitive backwater where I can’t understand a word anyone’s saying, I’d visit our relatives in Scotland.[Lily Houghton: Haven’t you been dreaming about another adventure?]
I’ve searched for this thing for so long, but I’m pretty sure it belongs to you.[to Lily, about the Arrowhead]
You believe in legends, you should believe in curses, too.[to Lily]
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Of all the places in the world you can go, the last place you wanna go is Lágrimas de Cristal.[to Lily]
I get paid by the number of people I take out, not by the number of people I bring back.
I don’t have to know someone to care.
He lost his life searching for something that can’t be found.[Lily Houghton: Aguirre’s cartographer certainly was prolific.]