You think you’re an a***hole? Yeah? Why don’t you do something about it? Do something about it. This world is a f***ing trash can! Teaming with assholes! Do something about it! Take back your power![to Ralphie]
Why do we make ourselves so much smaller than we are?
Three failed marriages taught me I’m not much of a husband. But what I am is a family man.
There is a staggering beauty in you. Cataclysmic power to create, annihilate.[to Ralphie]
Regular folks don’t get to choose their family. We do.[to Ralphie]
In the circle, we’ll face the anger and the hurt. Pain that holds us back. [to Ralphie]
A lot of us here know the pain of absent fathers. Helps knowing you’re not alone.[to Ralphie]
A gun is just a tool. It’s a crude expression of what’s inside.[to Ralphie]
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