Ellie. Look at me. Who would want me to be a part of their life?
I need to know that I have done one thing right with my life.[to Mary]
Do you ever get the feeling that people are incapable of not caring? People are amazing.[to Liz]
You’re an amazing person. I hope you know what an amazing person you are. I couldn’t ask for a more incredible daughter.[to Ellie]
What’s more surprising? That a gay guy has a daughter, or that someone actually found his penis?[to Thomas, about Charlie]
God creates us, expels us from paradise. We wander around for thousands of years killing each other, before he comes back and saves 144,000 of us. Meanwhile, seven-and-a-half billion of us fall into hell.[to Thomas, about the Bible]
You can’t throw me away like I’m a piece of garbage, and then suddenly just want to be my dad eight years later. You left me for your boyfriend. It’s that simple. And if you’ve been telling yourself anything different, then you’re lying to yourself. But you know what? I’m glad. I’m glad, because you taught me something very important. People are a**holes. Most people learn that way too late. You taught me that when I was eight. Thank you for that.[to Charlie]
What I like about religion is that it assumes that everyone is an idiot and that they’re all incapable of saving themselves. I think they got something right with that. What I don’t like about religion is that when people accept Jesus or whatever, they suddenly think that they’re better than everyone else. By accepting the fact that they’re stupid sinners, somehow they’ve become better, and they turn into a**holes.[to Thomas]
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These assignments don’t matter. This course doesn’t matter. College doesn’t matter. These amazing, honest things that you wrote, they matter.
I’m worried that she’s forgotten what an amazing person she is.[to Liz, about Ellie]
I understand that you’re angry. But you don’t have to be angry at the whole world. You can just be angry at me.[to Ellie]
I need to know that she’s gonna have a decent life. Where she cares about people and other people care about her.[to Mary]