It’s amazing how eating the right combination of things can really keep the years at bay.
If you punish yourself, everywhere becomes Hell.[to Simon]
I will always hit a demon with a cricket bat for you.[to Crystal]
How is it? Hell. I am so curious. I’m honestly, like… I’m a big fan.[to Edwin]
Honey, don’t be jealous. Once I get him up and screaming, I’ll come back and play with you.[to Charles]
Esther is a witch? I thought she was just an a**hole.
Do I sometimes wish that I got to grow up? Sure. But if it had to be this way, I wouldn’t wanna be dead with anyone else, would I? You’re my best mate, Edwin. And you always will be.
Darling, some people drink almond milk, some people skip carbs, some people feed their gigantic snake children to stay young and beautiful. It’s honestly NBD.[to Monty]
Charles, you smile a lot.[Crystal Palace]Well, I’m loving talking to somebody my age who’s actually still alive.[Charles Rowland]
Being a detective is not all invading people’s minds, reading objects, and ta-da, there’s your answer. Sometimes, actual detective work is required.[to Crystal]
Being a detective is much messier than it ever looked on Scooby-Doo.
Are you insane?[Niko Sasaki]What?[Crystal Palace]She’s perceptive.[Edwin Paine]