It’s not what you did. It’s what you do that matters.[to Crystal]
Bad guys do not worry about being bad guys.[to Charles]
You can’t go around telling people ghosts are real. They will think you’re insane, which, maybe you are, but they will make things messy.[to Crystal]
Take it from a ghost, no one is ever gone.[to Niko]
Sometimes, when you admit something to yourself, you can no longer live with it as a secret.
If you punish yourself, everywhere becomes Hell.[to Simon]
Being a detective is not all invading people’s minds, reading objects, and ta-da, there’s your answer. Sometimes, actual detective work is required.[to Crystal]
Are you insane?[Niko Sasaki]What?[Crystal Palace]She’s perceptive.[Edwin Paine]
A good detective does what he needs to in order to solve a case.