The mind is a den of scorpions better left running from, not towards.
He bangs chicks? Good for him. He f***s dudes? Got no problem with that. He starts f***ing fish? That’s taking it a step too far.[about Aquaman]
We’re born killers. What separates us from other killers is we only kill bad people. Usually. Unless there’s a mistake.[to Peacemaker]
This is my jam. You know, this is back when men were real men, because they weren’t afraid to be women.
You’re only right about one thing, I am a piece of s***! I’m a piece of s*** for listening to you for all those years! I’m a piece of s*** for not killing you in your sleep![to Auggie]
You can’t housetrain an eagle, dude. Not without stealing its soul.[to Harcourt]
Why do all people that think pro wrestling is real think climate change is a hoax?
What happened to the good old days where you could just non-stop f*** with somebody without them claiming to be a victim?
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There’s no wrong time to rock!
Right now, the world needs a son of a bitch, and you’re the only one I got.
Peacemaker is a great guy in almost every way, but his biggest flaw is that he commonly overestimates Eagly’s abilities.
My older brother told me there’s two types of babies. One that comes out of a woman’s vagina, normal, and then butt babies, worse in every way. They come out of a woman’s butt. You know, I believed I was a butt baby until I was like, 14.