You live and die by your choices.
The secret to every great lie is it has to run parallel to the truth.
The past is the past. And the only direction in life that matters is forward. Never backwards.
No time is ever really wasted. Time reveals all.
Always forward, Pop. Forward… always.
You like my Biggie photo? Me, too. You know what draws your eye when you look at that? The crown. Wanna know why? ‘Cause everybody wants to be the king.
Nothing humbles a man like gravity.
It’s easy to underestimate a nigga. They never see you coming.
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There’s a bullet for everyone.
There’s a big difference between what’s legal and what’s righteous.
Dumb men like little girls. Me? I ponder a woman.
You think I asked for any of this? I was framed, beaten and put in some tank like an exotic fish. Came out with… abilities.