She’s in the past. The past is not my concern. The future is no longer my concern, either.
The past is an enormous place, with all sorts of things inside. Not so with the present. The present is merely a narrow opening, with room for only one pair of eyes. Mine.
The past is done with us the moment we are done with it.
All the things that I’d done. Memories, they never hurt me. The past is more than memories. It’s the devil you sold your soul to.
They say hope begins in the dark. That faith is the bird that feels light when the sky is still dim. But with every tomorrow we carry our past. It echoes beneath our feet. There are no clean slates.
Without the past, there would be nothing to think about, let alone someone to think it.
The problems of your past are your business. The problems of your future are my privilege.
We can’t change the past, as much as we wish we could.
Through the dark of futures past, the magician longs to see, one chants out between two worlds, fire walk with me!
The past doesn’t want to be changed. There are times when you feel it push back.
We can’t change the past, but there’s a difference between moving on and letting go.
We all know people who live too much in the past. Too much history, too much remembering, can ultimately destroy the present and the future.