Before you accept any cash from someone, always ask what they might want in exchange.[to Jasper]
You won’t get anywhere in life if you don’t have the courage to be cruel now and then, just for the pure animal joy of it.[to Jasper]
You have a bad habit of taking control of dying things. [to Cherise]
You can start talking, or I can start cutting. Choice is yours. [to Reggie]
You aren’t playing a sim, Ms. Fisher. You’re inside what we call a Peripheral. Telepresent.
When there were need of the creation of the sun, the Moon, the planets, and the Earth, there was only darkness, and everything was created from the darkness.
The truth twice in one conversation. Be careful now, it might become a habit.[to Wilf]
Like it or not, this here’s the only world that I got.[to Billy Ann]
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It’s a point of pride. I don’t lie to my friends. So, please, take some care of what you ask. I’d hate to stop thinking of you as a friend.[to Wilf]
I’m rather fond of my pets. Far more reliable than my friends.
Arrogance is a form of stupidity.