I’m not a kid anymore. You don’t have to worry about me.[Omega]You’re our kid, Omega. You always will be.[Hunter]
I guess you’ll work for anybody as long as you get paid.[Wrecker]Good guys, bad guys. Their money is all the same.[Fennec Shand]Well, money’s not everything.[Hunter]That’s because you don’t have any.[Fennec Shand]
I am not sure how I should care about change. It is a fundamental part of life.[Omega: Everything is changing, and you don’t even care.]
How could all of this belong to one person?[Omega]It is safe to assume that the majority of Dooku’s fortune came from the many worlds he controlled and exploited. All in the name of his war effort.[Tech]That’s what corrupt people do.[Echo]But isn’t that what we’re doing?[Omega]Depends on how we use it.[Echo]
For soldiers, putting down roots is an occupational hazard.[to Shep]
Follow the money. It always leaves a trail.[to Riyo]
Eventually, everyone’s luck runs out.
Close doesn’t count. It’s either a hit or a miss.[Omega: That was close.]
Being strategic means knowing your limitations.[to Omega]
Being defective is in my nature.
Being a sniper is more than just looking through a scope. It’s about patience. Reading the environment. And knowing when you’ve got eyes on you.
Allow me to decide for you. You’re in! I’m talking a mutually beneficial arrangement. You make money, I make money, and I watch your back.[Hunter: We haven’t decided if we’re gonna work for you or not.]