Based on the comic book of the same name by Garth Ennis and Darick Robertson, The Boys is an American superhero series created for Amazon Prime Video by Eric Kripke.
The series follows a group of vigilantes, led by Billy Butcher, as they fight to take down superheroes who abuse their abilities.
The main cast consists of Karl Urban as Billy Butcher, Jack Quaid as Hughie Campbell, Antony Starr as Homelander, and Erin Moriarty as Starlight.
People love that cozy feeling that Supes give them. Some golden c**t to swoop out of the sky and save the day so you don’t got to do it yourself.Billy Butcher, S1.Ep1: The Name of the Game
Just ’cause you fall on your ass doesn’t mean you have to stay there.Hughie Campbell, (quoting Robin), S1.Ep1: The Name of the Game
My father was bipolar. One night, when I was ten, he tried to smother me with a Hello Kitty duvet.Frenchie, S1.Ep3: Get Some
I figured if you wait around long enough, two plus two equals nasty.Mother's Milk, S1.Ep3: Get Some
As a rule, I don’t usually go out after a gory massacre.Hughie Campbell, S1.Ep4: The Female of the Species
When they’re apart, they’re absolute f***ing rubbish. But, you put them together, they’re the goddamn f***ing Spice Girls.Billy Butcher, S1.Ep4: The Female of the Species
He’s got a hard-on for mass murder and giving kids cancer, and his big old answer to the existential clusterf*** that is humanity, is to nail his own bleeding son to a plank.Billy Butcher, (about God), S1.Ep5: Good for the Soul
Here’s the truth. Anyone who tells you they know the answers is lying.Starlight, S1.Ep5: Good for the Soul
You know, you’re always calling people “c**ts” or “tw*ts”. But I never really got how that’s an insult? They’re flexible, take a pounding, and they’re the reason behind, like, 98% of my life decisions.Hughie Campbell, (to Billy), S1.Ep6: The Innocents
So, what if I took you to a house you’d never seen before, full of photos of parents you never met, toys you never played with, Hardy Boy books that you never read? And then I asked you how much all that fake f***ing bulls*** meant to you? How would that make you feel?Homelander, (to Madelyn), S1.Ep6: The Innocents
Sometimes you get further with people by treating them like people.Mother's Milk, (to Billy), S1.Ep6: The Innocents
You tell anyone what you saw or heard here today, and I’ll cut your hands off and shove them so far up your ass, your fingers’ll give us a little wave out your throat, yeah?Billy Butcher, (to Mesmer), S1.Ep6: The Innocents
Everyone always asks, what’s our special weakness? Gamma rays? Iron daggers? Some ridiculous, stupid thing? The truth is, our weakness is the same as anyone’s. It’s people. The people we care about.Queen Maeve, S1.Ep7: The Self-Preservation Society
Vengeance isn’t a path to glory. It’s a one-way ticket to a dead end.Grace Mallory, (to Hughie), S1.Ep8: You Found Me
This is a f***ing mess, son. We got a Supe terrorist, Rayner’s blown her canister, and we’re the most wanted c**ts in the country. But don’t you worry. Daddy’s home.Billy Butcher, (to Hughie), S2.Ep1: The Big Ride
Sometimes it’s hard being superior to every single other person on the planet. It’s isolating. And gods should not have to feel that kind of pain. Because that is what we are. You and me. We’re gods.Homelander, (to Ryan), S2.Ep2: Proper Preparation and Planning
F*** this world for confusing nice with good. Be a b**ch if you want. Be whatever. Just drop the mask once in a while. Feels good. You can finally breathe.Stormfront, S2.Ep2: Proper Preparation and Planning
A stranger is just a friend you ain’t met yet.Billy Butcher, S2.Ep3: Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men
You see, companies, they come and go, but talent… talent is forever.Homelander, (to Stan), S2.Ep3: Over the Hill with the Swords of a Thousand Men
You can’t win the whole country anymore. No one can. So why are you even trying? You don’t need 50 million people to love you. You need 5 million people f***ing pi**ed. Emotion sells, anger sells.Stormfront, (to Homelander), S2.Ep4: Nothing Like It in the World
Expecting a happy ending, were we? Well, I’m sorry, Hughie. It ain’t that kind of massage parlor.Billy Butcher, S2.Ep5: We Gotta Go Now
Life has always been hard, but I don’t remember it being quite this crude.Frenchie, S2.Ep7: Butcher, Baker, Candlestick Maker
It doesn’t matter what we do, nothing changes. Nothing ever changes or gets better.Queen Maeve, S2.Ep8: What I Know
People love what I have to say. They believe in it. They just don’t like the word “Nazi”, that’s all.Stormfront, S2.Ep8: What I Know
If you jump ship and you let the a**holes steer, then you’re part of the problem.Starlight, (to Hughie), S2.Ep8: What I Know
All my life, people have tried to control me. My whole life. Rich people, powerful people have tried to muzzle me, cancel me, keep me impotent and obedient, like I’m a f***ing puppet. You know what? It worked. Because I allowed it to work. And guess what. If they can control me, then you can bet your ass they can control you. They already do. You just don’t realize it.Homelander, S3.Ep2: The Only Man in the Sky
With great power comes the absolute certainty that you’ll turn into a right c**t.Billy Butcher, S3.Ep5: The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies
You don’t need powers. You just need to be human.Starlight, (Ashley Barrett: I don't have powers.), S3.Ep5: The Last Time to Look on This World of Lies
Buddy, you think you look strong? You’re wearing a cape. You’re just a cheap f***ing knockoff.Soldier Boy, (to Homelander), S3.Ep6: Herogasm
It seems no matter how much we try to run, we cannot escape our old lives, huh? I suppose no one can run that fast.Frenchie, (to Kimiko), S3.Ep6: Herogasm
That’s the difference between you and me. You need to be a Supe. I can’t wait till it’s over.Queen Maeve, (to Homelander), S3.Ep7: Here Comes a Candle to Light You to Bed
When you’re as strong as we are, accidents happen, things break, and sometimes they are the things that you love the most.Homelander, (to Ryan), S3.Ep8: The Instant White-Hot Wild
We save everyone. Even if they don’t deserve it. Especially, if they don’t deserve it.Hughie Campbell, S3.Ep8: The Instant White-Hot Wild
First time your prissy ass showed up at the Tower, crying in that bathroom… You saved me. Truth is, you don’t need me anymore. I could jump. But you can f***ing fly.Queen Maeve, (to Starlight), S3.Ep8: The Instant White-Hot Wild
I save people, they cheer. I f***ing kill people, they cheer. It’s meaningless. Humans are nothing. They’re less than nothing. They’re just toys for my amusement. And yet they control everything. It’s unnatural.Homelander, The Boys, S4.Ep1: Department of Dirty Tricks
To be a good skipper, you gotta be a right a**hole. Ain’t no room for compassion.Billy Butcher, (to Mother's Milk), S4.Ep2: Life Among the Septics
Firecracker: Y’all just think I’m stupid poor white trash.
Sister Sage: I don’t think you’re poor.Sister Sage, (to Mother's Milk), S4.Ep2: Life Among the Septics
Starlight: We run, we don’t all make it.
Billy Butcher: Darwinism, love. Don’t got to be the fastest, just not the slowest.Billy Butcher, (to Mother's Milk), S4.Ep2: Life Among the Septics
Starlight: Wait. Tek Knight has super smell?
Mother’s Milk: Yeah. Smell, vision, taste, touch. He’s like Sherlock Holmes on meth.Mother's Milk, S4.Ep6: Dirty Business
The truth is America is not a democracy. The word “democracy” makes people feel safe. But the founders never trusted the masses, because the truth is, the masses are f***ing stupid. Anyone who owns a “Live, Laugh, Love” mug shouldn’t have a say in how a country is run. People are a labor force that need a kind, but firm hand. There are no nations. There’s Apple, Exxon and Berkshire Hathaway.Victoria Neuman, S4.Ep6: Dirty Business
If we’re ever gonna win against monsters, I think we need to start acting human.Hughie Campbell, S4.Ep8: Season Four Finale
We will make America strong again. Proud again. And most of all, we will make America super again.Firecracker, S4.Ep8: Season Four Finale