Most men are not wicked. Men become bad and guilty because they speak and act without foreseeing the results of their words and their deeds. They are sleep-walkers, not evildoers. - Franz Kafka (Conversations with Kafka by Gustav Janouch Quotes)

Most men are not wicked. Men become bad and guilty because they speak and act without foreseeing the results of their words and their deeds. They are sleep-walkers, not evildoers.[Die meisten Menschen sind gar nicht böse. Die Menschen werden schlecht und schuldig dadurch, daß sie sprechen und handeln, ohne die Wirkung ihrer eigenen Worte und Taten sich vorzustellen. Es sind Traumwandler, nicht Bösewichte. ]

Source:Conversations with Kafka by Gustav Janouch (Frederick A. Praeger, ed. 1953), Page 58
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